Fast Food Genocide
“Maybe we should stop asking why real food is so expensive and start asking why processed food is so cheap.”
The book, Fast Food Genocide explains why the problem of poor nutrition is deeper, more serious, and more pervasive than anyone imagined, and he reveals the solution that’s been hiding in plain sight: a nutrient-dense, healthful diet that can save lives.
The processed food and fast-food industry have capitalized on our country’s need for fast and convenient food throughout the turn of the 20th century. This led to very few meals being cooked at home. Since convenience foods are generally more calorie dense the average person’s calorie intake increased dramatically. As calorie intake increases so does body weight.
Currently in America, 70% of calories are coming from processed foods. Food industry scientists are engineering these individual processed ingredients into things that they are selling as food; however, this is not food. The more you process food the more you take away from the nourishing ability. What happens during processing: intensely high heat processing, chemical hydrogenation, hydrolyzation, and bleaching. Processing food destroys nutrition. Food with nutritional value speaks for itself.
Processing, also known as “refining does three things:
• Eliminating the water
• Reducing/eliminating the fiber
• Reducing/eliminating the nutrients
Focus on eating foods that add value to your health, please note a few irrefutable food facts:
- Vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, fruits, are good for you.
- Excessive amount of animal products cause disease.
- Refined carbohydrates cause disease and lead to overweight and obesity
Based on his research and practice, Dr. Joel Fuhrman recommends we eat G-BOMBS for optimal health and permanent weight loss:
G – Greens
B – Beans
O – Onions
M – Mushrooms
B – Berries
S – Seeds
Focus your diet on foods that add value and naturally it will displace the unhealthier food options.
To get the book and to take action against processed foods click here