Change your world
“The dream is free, but the journey is not!”
Do you want to change your world?, change yourself, and become part of a transformational movement? If yes, consider using the below steps:
Phase 1: I want to make a difference. This phase is all about the desire and passion. What do you dream about, cry about and sing about? Focus on those questions to get clear on your desires.
Phase 2: With people who make a difference. Who has similar desires, similar values or a shared vision? Who can complement your strengths? Who can you learn from?
Phase 3: Living values that make a difference. What are the most important values in your life? Consider ranking them to understand how to prioritize – #1, #2, #3 and so on.
Phase 4: Taking action that makes a difference. This is where the rubber meets the road. It is not just about intentions – this is where you need to take action that is a difference maker.
As you continually follow those phases you will start to see positive transformation!
To get the book or learn more about how you can change your world visit: